what do we do in therapy?

Together we think, access feelings, talk, dream, and explore. We talk and think about the experiences in your life, past and present. We work in the here-and-now a great deal of the time. Studying the here-and-now, what is transpiring in the therapy room, is the best way to most accurately and most deeply understand how you operate in the world. We name this, and make it conscious. This is how you make connections, create self-awareness and develop a more empathic and empowered self.  

We enable you to develop a deeper understanding of how and why you are who you are, so that if you want, you can make changes and have choices that you didn’t know you had. You learn how to think about your thinking (mentalizing).You learn how to tolerate your feelings and not split them off, or, come undone when you have them. Rather, by knowing your feelings and connecting them to your thoughts, and understanding how these create patterns of relating that you can change for the better, you gain control of your life.

We cannot change your past. But we can change the way you think about your past, and the way you feel about your past. We don’t change how you thought or felt in the past, we come to understand and name that. Doing so frees you up to have new thoughts and feelings about those past relationships or experiences; about your self-definitions and self-esteem; and/or about others and the world around you.  We can discover if you are unconsciously tethered to very old thoughts and feelings, which you want to outgrow and let mature.