What can you help me with?

I provide individual and couples therapy. I have expertise in treating a multitude of issues which are listed below. Some of these issues are recognizable as symptoms, issues or feelings, or are life circumstances.


  • Anxiety

  • Panic Attacks

  • Depression

  • Postpartum Depression

  • Bi-polar Disorder

  • Mood swings

  • Trauma

  • PTSD

  • OCD

  • Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia or Overeating)

  • Social Phobia

  • Paranoid Feelings or Thoughts

  • Suicidal feelings

  • Self harm

issues & feelings:

  • Relationship Dilemmas with partners, parents, friends, colleagues or children

  • A sense or feeling “something is wrong”,  but not knowing what or why

  • Feeling stuck or blocked    

  • Longing for direction or purpose

  • Career Dissatisfaction

  • Sexuality and/or sexual issues

  • Low self-confidence    

  • Insecurity   

  • Gender Identity Issues

  • Perfectionism


  • Grief and loss of a partner or loved one

  • Abuse

  • Job loss

  • Loss of your support system

  • Moving to a new city

  • Health crisis or sickness

  • Fertility issues

  • Family planning

  • Child rearing

  • Aging parents and dementia